AADL Logo Advanced Aircraft Design Lab

Royal Military College of Canada


Our group support different undergraduate and graduate courses at Royal Military College of Canada. Brief descriptions of some of the courses we support can be found below.


Advanced Design and Optimization of Engineering Systems

This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of engineering optimal designs when dealing with large-scale complex systems that involve many design variables, parameters and attributes. The course introduces multi-attribute design formalization, modelling, and formulation for deterministic, reliability-based, and robust design problems and presents numerical optimization techniques to solve such problems including gradients computation approaches, unconstrained and constrained gradient based and gradient free methods, approximation methods, as multidisciplinary design optimization approaches.

Advanced Aircraft Performance

This course develops the analysis and methods used in the evaluation, simulation, and flight testing of aircraft flight performance. Analytic and simulation based steady state and energy state (Lagrangian) approaches are explored to determine performance parameters from aircraft design specifications.


Capstone Design Course

This two-semester course offers senior-level undergraduate students the opportunity to participate in a capstone design experience with as much detail as time permits. The course is conducted in a manner that replicate actual industry design practices where students work as an integrated multi-disciplinary product development team dealing with the full complexity encountered when designing an aircraft system at both the conceptual and preliminary design phases. Beyond the weekly technical briefings, technical reports and peer reviews the project undergo two design review presentations evaluated by engineers from the aerospace industry, the Royal Canadian Air Force, and the Department of National Defence.


Examples of previous designs from the capstone course

Aircraft Stability and Control

This course covers aircraft static stability and control concepts in both longitudinal and lateral-directional planes, aircraft flight dynamics equations of motion and corresponding dynamics modes, as well as handling quality and aircraft feedback control applications. Both experimental and computational laboratories reinforce the course material; whenever possible and additional flight dynamics lab is performed in collaboration with the National Research Council Flight Research Lab.


Flight Dynamics Laboratory Using NRC’s Harvard Aircraft

Rotary Wing Aircraft

This course provides an introduction to the aerodynamics and performance of rotary wing aircraft with application of the relevant principles to the design of a helicopter rotor and its blades.


Design of Aircraft Components

This course provides an introduction to the system engineering process and its application to aircraft design highlighting the conceptual design phase.

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